September 16, 2005


I love Fridays. The last day of the work week, the start of the weekend.

Frankye and I will share a low-key weekend. Tonight, a stay-at-home evening, with Frankye's delicious b-b-q for dinner, and a rental movie. Tomorrow morning, practice with the sangha at KTC. Saturday afternoon is a memorial service for our friend Q's dad, who passed away last night. Frankye will be doing that service. The rest of the weekend will be quiet. Maybe we will go to a movie on Sunday, maybe we will just stay in (my preference). Either way, it will be enriching and restful.

I did 2 small paintings last night in my little moleskine sketchbook. Someday I will make larger copies of all these little paintings. I have come to appreciate the value of my mindless doodles and paintings. When looked at as a body of work I can see my own style come through. Someday, I will have the time and energy to actually paint the pictures in larger form.

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