December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009

There's a song by Harry Nilson called Mr. Richland's Favorite Song. Some lyric:

The calendar changed
The pages fell off
But the singer remained the same

It's new years eve. Last day of calendar year 2009. It's not the only thing different between today and tomorrow, interdependence and all that. 2009 was a difficult year for me. Difficult decisions, difficult acceptances, difficult loss, difficult emotions, thoughts, and bodily pain. NONE of that will change because the calendar changed. None of it. I have no illusion of the changing of the year. No illusion that next year will be better, or worse, for that matter. I guess Buddhism ruins that. I understand that things will always change -- EVERYTHING will change, from better to worse and back again.

December 25, 2009

The Face of Christmas 2009

I can't say anymore than this.

December 8, 2009