February 7, 2007

The Rising Swarm

We've been gifted with the "swarm" visiting us again, teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about patience. Notice I didn't say more than I needed to know. The swarm has grown by one, there are now 7 dachshunds when all together. For the most part 6 hang out in the same place at any given time.

In the morning, the only free and alone time I have, they pile up on my lap, spill across my thighs, make themselves comfortable, and go to sleep. Part of my morning schedule is to write in my journal, do some doodling, paint in wc, etc. What skills I am learning do be able to do all this with a swarm pile in my lap!

This morning I wrote about a dream I had travelling the country in a 5th wheel with (only) 2 dachshunds. I did this quick sketch of the trailer from my dreams while leaning my 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" moleskine sketchbook on Ben's head. Not too bad. A few sweeping strokes as he tried to watch what I was doing. I didn't mind that so much as I minded his snicker when he saw the drawing.

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