February 13, 2006

Ode to Giraffes

I like giraffes. They are my favorite animals. They're strange looking but interesting too. I like that they are so huge, yet can appear very fragile. Their long neck allows them to see over the top of most things. They have a long, thick tongue, and hoof like feet. Their ears are big and so are their eyes.

Though they have the same number of vertebrae as humans, their necks are so, so long. They are the funniest looking things, but so cute too.

I know this blog seems pointless, and perhaps giraffes are pointless animals as well. What purpose do they serve? I haven't a clue. Then again, what purpose do I serve? Again, not a clue.

I guess there is a part of me that identifies with this silly looking animal. Wild, yet sedate. Huge, yet gentle enough to be in petting zoos. Their bodies are full and sturdy, with the same narrow and fragile looking legs as horses have. They are graceful, something that eludes me but that I aspire to.

Like the giraffe and myself, there is no point to this blog, other than to say that I like giraffes. I really like giraffes.

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