December 19, 2005

The President's Address

Last night our President went on television from the oval office and gave an address that was less than informative and even less inspiring. He is a man with a firm grasp of the obvious as he finally verbalizes what most Americans have been thinking and televised pundits have been extolling for months. Some quotes from President Bush's speech (in red) and my comments (in black):

September the 11th, 2001 required us to take every emerging threat to our country seriously, and it shattered the illusion that terrorists attack us only after we provoke them. On that day, we were not in Iraq, we were not in Afghanistan but the terrorists attacked us anyway - and killed nearly 3,000 men, women and children in our own country.

He is correct when he says we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan on 9/11/01, but we were in Islam's holiest country, Saudi Arabia. It is no mistake that 17 of the 19 terrorists were Saudis. Osama Bin Laden repeatedly said that his war against America would cease when American bases in Saudi Arabia were closed and all U.S. military left.

Some look at the challenges in Iraq and conclude that the war is lost and not worth another dime or another day. I don't believe that.
The thing that strikes me about this comment is that he does not say that the war in Iraq is worth another American, Allied, or Iraqi life. That is the true cost of this war, and his omission of acknowledging that is evidence that his speech is a political maneouver to regain his poll numbers, and not a sincere desire to be honest and open with the American people.

We are approaching a New Year, and there are certain things all Americans can expect to see. We will see more sacrifice - from our military, their families and the Iraqi people.
Again, it is what he didn't say that speaks the loudest. Where is the sacrifice the government will make? Where is the sacrifice the politicians will make? They do not give over their sons to this endeavor. They are rich men getting richer, so they give up none of their fortunes. Where is their sacrifice?

I don't expect you to support everything I do, but tonight I have a request: Do not give in to despair and do not give up on this fight for freedom.
The origins of our national despair is the realization that our country is led by a fool, a very dangerous fool. Our despair is rooted in the awareness that the fool and his "advisors" will continue on their course no matter what reality, world leaders, or American citizens tell them.

My most solemn responsibility is to protect our nation, and that requires me to make some tough decisions. I see the consequences of those decisions when I meet wounded servicemen and women who cannot leave their hospital beds, but summon the strength to look me in the eye and say they would do it all over again. I see the consequences when I talk to parents who miss a child so much but tell me he loved being a soldier, he believed in his mission and, Mr. President, finish the job.
It has been reported over and over again that this President is never allowed to randomly meet and talk to people. Only people who are carefully screened on their pro-Bush, pro-adminstration positions are allowed to talk to him or attend his rallies and speeches. A case in point: his refusal to meet with Cindy Sheehan, anti-war activist and mother of killed soldier.

If those who are like wanton children
Are by nature prone to injure others,
What point is there in being angry--
Like resenting fire for its heat?

It is helpful, at times like these, to know that the President's voice is not the only voice out there. Here are some helpful websites that express another view:

United For Peace
Peaceful Tomorrow - Families of 9/11 Victims
Not In Our Name Project
Veteran's Aginst the Iraq War

There are many, many more groups. Just GOOGLE anti-war groups, and pages upon pages of American and International groups will appear.


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