Sometimes Crashing, Sometimes Floating
Sometimes people crash into each other. The movie "CRASH" was about exactly that. But it happens in everyday life to everyday people, everyday.
We humans are imperfect, defective, our full potentials unrealized. We're all in the water, swept along by the movement of the river. Because of our very human malady we sometimes crash into other people who happen to cross our path and who's vulnerability is momentarily compatible with our agression or ignorance. It's cruel and harsh and painful to watch, even when unknowingly commiting the act simultaneously. So easy to look outside me to others. So easy to scream, "hey you, what are you doing? Stop it! Stop it!" as I trample others in my righteous indignation. So easy to anger than feel compassion or ask why the perpetrator is himself in so much pain.
Then we have moments when we are floating along, all in the same water, floating along on the river of life. Not aggressive, not trying to get ahead, not trying to destroy others to save ourselves. Just staying afloat together, all understanding we are as vulnerable as one another. Sometimes it takes a glimpse of someone else's pain, or a word whispered from a friend, or a mirror image of ourself seen crashing, to relax and just float, float along with all the othes.
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