Meditation in the Park
Buddha in the park. Our shrine and meditation area. Lama Khandro and Director Michael Turnquist taught Meditation several times throughout the weekend. We opened each morning chanting Chenrezig and Amitabha sadhanas.

The ducks and geese in the park added to the ambience of the Meditation-A-Thon. Despite the wet and chilly weather, those of us who participated had a very enjoyable day. People new to meditation stopped by and took class, others had seen the ads for the event and sought us out.
Curious passersby took the time to stop and chat. Sangha members Kim and Cathy gave generously of their time and fed us all well. We had a wonderful banquet of Vietnamese vegetarian delights, a wonderful vegetable curry made by sangha member Richard, and fresh cheeses, fruits, veggies, water, and brownies (!) provided by Cathy.
The ducks in the park added to the call for peace. They spent the day swimming from side to side, where ever the potential for food presented itself. A number of toddlers and pre-schoolers came to the park with parents to feed the ducks. It was a lovely event and was a wonderful opportunity for the sangha to spend time together.
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