August 26, 2008

I Remember It Well

38 years ago today I marched in my first "women's lib" march in NYC. The march was to commemorate the 50th anniversary of women's suffrage. I was 19. I marched alone with 50,000 women and men who all seemed to know one another. I felt alone. I didn't care. I made my stand. In 1970 it was a very radical thing to do.

Today is the 88th anniversary of women's suffrage and it's fitting that Hillary Clinton will be addressing the Democratic National Convention this evening as the only woman who has ever come close to being the Presidential nominee for a major political party in the U.S. It's also indicative of how much farther we have to go.

Hillary Clinton is by far the better candidate and lost the nomination by a small amount of votes. 18,000,000 Americans voted for Hillary to be the Democratic nominee. That should at least have earned her the Vice Presidential nomination.

Instead, Obama, that icon of courage and change, chose a white male who has been in the senate for 36 years. Obama won 2201 delegates, Clinton won 1896 delegates, Edwards won 6 delegates, and Joe Biden won 0 delgates. Yet Obama chose the antithesis of what he has been talking about for the past 18 months as the best possible running mate to catapult him to the Presidency.

Sounds like the same old shit to me.

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