Another Day
Today I cast my first ever vote for Hillary Clinton. Florida conducts early voting in all primaries, national and state-wide elections. I have taken advantage of this option since its inception. Why fight the crowds? I hope to cast 2 more votes for Hillary Clinton -- in November 2008 and November 2012. After that she can retire at age 72 after a 2 term presidency.
I'm kind of amused at how the talking heads are trying to shape the election. They keep using old tactics to designate what they want to be of most interest to voters. They are frustrated by there being no run-away-from-the-pack front runner, although they would be bored to death if there were. The primaries are all they talk about. It's as if America weren't at war in two countries. They are talking about the economy, but mostly in context of the candidates. They showing film clips of candidates from both parties dissing George W. Cheney, but they aren't dishing Bush themselves.
I was going to write a long rant about politics and the media, but I just got a call from an old friend who gave me two pieces of really good news about 2 people I love very much.
The first is about my longest friend, Marcos. He is well, working his way back to his profession, is single, and has just transferred to Tampa. While I don't go to Tampa enough to get to see him, I am so HAPPY for him that he has made it through his long dark night and landed on his feet. Watching and knowing Marcos has been going through this hard time for these past 6 - 7 years has been painful. There is nothing I could do for him but pray for him and love him. Anything else would not have helped. I had to stand on the sidelines and love him in silence. It's been extremely difficult, and I am so happy he has made his way through it all. I understand the making a new way for himself. I am just filled with love and admiration for him.
The other good news was that Clio got a very good job, a little more money, doing something she loves! I am SO HAPPY FOR HER!!!!!!
Ok, the rant...
...back to Obama. Was I talking about Obama? I watched the National Black Caucus debate the other night. I have to say that I really disliked the tone and energy of the sniping that Clinton and Obama did at the debate. By default, John Edwards looked more mature and was able to stay on his message and get a lot of info about his proposals out there.
I hope that what they did at the debate is the last time they snipe at each other in that way. I think they both are better people than that. That said I would like to comment on some of the things that Obama said, that stuck out to me.
He said he didn't know who he was running against, Hillary or Bill. I don'tknow why the media didn't pick up on that being a negative about him, and not Hillary's campaign tactics. If he doesn't know who he is running against because he is being verbally attacked, how is he going to stand the type of criticism and animosity he would experience as the leader of the free world? It was said in a cute way to dis Hillary, but instead it made him seem as though whatever Bill was doing was working. As Bill is not the candidate, it is clear that Obama is sexist, as he is listening to "the man" and not the rival who's name is on the ballot with his.
The other thing that came out was his voting record while he was in the IL state legislature. He voted 129 times "present." Apparently it is an option in the IL government. His explanation as to why he did that on important bills, including one he introduced into the process, was that he was showing his support for the idea of the bill but not the content of it as it came up for a vote. Even if it made things better, if it wasn't the way he wanted it to be, he wasn't going to vote yes, but wouldn't be so bold as to vote no. The example Hillary gave and Edwards picked up on was a bill to cap off the amount of interest credit card companies could charge. The bill came to vote with a 30% cap. Obama voted "present" because he wanted a lower cap. What Edwards pointed out was that there is now no cap. Credit card companies are free to charge as much as they want, and do, in poor and black communities. So he didn't get what he wanted, but he didn't help make it better either.
The clear message to me is that he wouldn't and couldn't compromise. How can he be President and believe he can turn around a humongous beauracracy like the U.S government without negotiation and compromise with the Congress. Does it mean he will do nothing if he doesn't get his way? Will he stamp his foot too?
He threw mud at Hillary for sitting on the board of Wal-mart (before it was super-duper-mow-down-all-small-businesses-Walmart). She threw mud at him for having a client that is a slum-lord, who, by the way is (still) a major contributor to his campaign. He said he worked on his account for 5 hours. He said it was years ago. What he didn't say was that this same slum lord bought a piece of property next to the house that Obama bought for his family. In 2004. Half of the property was sold to Obama, so he could expand his own property. The guy was under Federal indictment at the time. One who lives in glass house should not throw stones.
I do not have an expectation that candidates be squeaky clean. I would be very suspect of them if they were. (Romney) Politics is a dirty business, and only the dirtiest, shrewdist players get to the top (B. Clinton/George W. Cheney). It's the hipocracy of it I can't stand. It's Obama's attitude that all his foibles are behind him, not part of how he does business to this day. They are not behind him. He should own up to them. If he doesn't they will be thrown in his face, when he least expects it, like they were Monday night. He set out to throw mud at Hillary, and she threw a rock back at him.
I'll say it again...Obama is not ready for the game...or the job.
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