Pissed Off Again
As if it isn't bad enough that idiot boy told us all was well last night in his State of "His" Union Speech, but then today the Senate voted down the Minimum Wage Bill by a vote of 54 - 43 with 3 absences.
Senator Bill Nelson of FL voted "yea." The other Senator, Mel Martinez, a/k/a mental midget, voted "nay." I fired off an email to him expressing my dismay.
Dear Senator Martinez
I am very disappointed in your vote on H.R.2 -Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007.There is no reason that service and entry level workers should not get an increase in their minimum wage after 10 years of being at the
same rate. To withhold the badly needed increase for reasons of tax breaks to
restaurants is riduculous as anyone who has worked in the industry knows, restaurant workers are exempt from minimum wage guidelines because a portion of their wage is collected and taxed through tipping.
The working poor in this country need to be valued and respected. They need an increase in wages. How shallow of you not to realize that when you work in a state with a large service industry work force.
The hipocracy of this vote is so insulting. The U.S. Senate has enjoyed 7 increases totalling $31,600 in the same time period that our working poor received $0 increase! I am angry about it.
1 comment:
hey, kess...
first let me say how much i enjoyed meeting you. i am fortunate to have had the pleasure of your company. clio has always spoken of you with such great love and devotion. it was nice to put a face and a heart to the name.
i also want to thank you for the kindness and warmth of your blog entry on your stay in atlanta. it was very touching...and i agree, a wonderful memory.
i took the opportunity while here to view your art work. i am very taken with it. i would like to see more, life size and in person. perhaps one day we can arrange that!
i have been invited to florida in march to read some of my short stories for a women's literature festival. if i can arrange it, i would love to drop in and visit you and your family. (i hope that is not too presumptuous!)
take care, les and i (and mani) send our love and hugs.
e-mail me@sheloupgarou@aol.com.
peggy jean
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